Under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), the compilation of financial statements refers to the process of presenting financial information in the form of financial statements without providing any assurance or opinion on their accuracy or conformity to GAAP. A compilation engagement involves the accountant assisting the client in presenting their financial data in the form of financial statements, based on information provided by the client.
Key points regarding the compilation of financial statements under US GAAP include:
It's important to note that a compilation engagement does not involve the accountant providing any assurance on the financial statements' accuracy, and it is not as comprehensive as a review or an audit engagement, which involve higher levels of assurance.
Process of Financial Statements Compilation:
The process of compiling financial statements under US GAAP involves several steps. Here's a general outline of the process:
It's important to note that the compilation process does not involve verifying the accuracy or completeness of the financial information to the same extent as a review or an audit. The compilation engagement focuses on presenting the information provided by the client in the form of financial statements without providing any assurance on their accuracy or conformity to GAAP.